How to Make More Money While Traveling



You’ve been my muse for a while now. 

You’ve been with me from the beginning nurturing my Spirit of Adventure.  

You’ve held my Inner Child’s hand as we set course to Explore the Galaxy.

I’m so grateful for the early seeds of travel planted in me from my grandparents. They taught me I could have all my needs met while exploring. From the beginning, I was introduced to travel as a time for learning, reflecting, and growing.

Travel, I’ve been in love with you for so long!

I must reflect on how much you mean to me.

You open doors to let me meet new people + sleep in different spaces. There are ups and downs with travel, of course, but that’s fuel to this witchy writer. 

You’ve allowed me to learn so much about people--what they find important, what they prefer to do with their time, what they prefer to eat, and what they think Reality is.

Thanks for teaching me so much about People!

People all over the world “look different”, yet I see the same faces + archetypes over and over. I truly believe we all come from the same Source/Origin point, that we’re all connected, and that Everyone’s actions affect Everything. 

* Queue Lauryn Hill’s Everything is Everything*

Thank you for helping me recognize patterns!

Travel, I hold space for your shadow side. 



I’m not quite sure where you come from.

I know you try to sneak into my Heart sometimes.

I yearn for Connection, and sometimes I pretend I’m a lost little child without a home.

May I remember that all is Self, Everything is Alright, I'm Always Home (if I choose to perceive it that way.)


My muse…

May you hold me gently in the uncomfortable times of not knowing where to sleep or where to go.

May you strengthen my relationship with Source (Origin/Truth). May you strengthen my relationship with Faith. May I continue to find my Voice + my Self. 

May I continue to shatter layers and layers of delusion + falsehood.

May I give my Soul what it needs.


My muse…

Thank you for exposing me to all kinds of Food. 

Thanks for taking me to all kinds of different farms + gardens where I could attune with my Earth Mother Goddess ways. 

Thank you for connecting me with all kinds of inspiring + aspirational humans. May I stay directed + focused on My Path. 

May I lose my fear of making the “wrong decision” or making a mistake.

Mistakes are just lessons.

And we love learning!

Also, there is no right or wrong, only balance and imbalance.

Travel, my muse!

Thanks for exposing me to all kinds of opportunities to serve--from sea turtles in Greece to housing after Katrina.

Thank you for helping me see my Shadow Self--the part of me that wants others to fail. The part of me that is envious and jealous. The part of me that is scared + insecure.

Through awareness and processing, I’m able to bring those parts into Harmony.

Travel, thank you for the medicine you are.

Cheers to the clear knowing you don’t have to leave your house, your room, or even your bed to travel. 

Travel is a spirit.

One that calls for Awareness, Grit, Ambition, and Excitement.

Travel beckons to the Spirit saying,

“Do you want to know what is beyond those mountains? 

Beyond that ocean?

Beyond this planet?

Beyond what these two eyes can see?

Beyond Death?”

Travel and Exploration are ancient, primordial forces available for humans to tap into. 

May the Wisdom of those who have traveled before me Light my Way. 


My muse.

Thank you for helping me create time + space to sink deeper and deeper into mySelf, Awareness + Being. 

You fill me up,

Now, I must rest...



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