The Secret Key to Making More Money: Havingness Expansion


So, I’m one whole week into my Insanely Juicy Havingness Expansion Experiment inspired by Carolyn Elliott and her seemingly-limitless wealth of witchy wonderousess. 

What is Havingness, you ask?

Well, Havingness is how much “cool stuff” you’ll let into your life before you begin to self-sabotage and resist.

Why increase Havingness?

So you can have more cool shit in your life!

So, so we know what increasing our Havingness will allow more cool stuff into our lives. What does Low Havingness look/feel like?

Well, it’s all subjective. 

For me, Low Havignness feels like…

  • Eating cheap food that’s awful for me out of comfort, habit, and/or convenience

  • Not having the money to travel and explore like I would like to (which is a lot!)

  • Settling for unfulfilling, codependent, relationships

  • Not taking responsibility for my life + relationships

  • Being too afraid to leave my comfort zone

  • Being creatively blocked

  • Not being seen, heard, and felt

  • Feeling disconnected from community, my work, and mySelf

Basically, Low Havingness is my lil’ personal Hell.

What does Havingness Expansion look like (for me)?

  • Making a living off of my blog + through Patreon support

  • Traveling the world with grace + ease

  • Making $10,000/month of passive income and saving 50%

  • Becoming financially free and independently wealthy

  • Escaping poverty consciousness

  • Having deep, magical interpersonal relationships

  • Doing art for art’s sake

It’s important to look at Havingness across many domains of life (relationships, career, financial, etc.) You may have extremely high Havingness for one domain while experiencing Low Havingness for other domains. 

How are your Havingness Levels?

So, we’ve charted what Havingness is, what Low Havigness can feel like, what Havingness Expansion can feel like. Now, how do we go about Expanding Havingness?

Inspired by Carolyn Elliott, I’ve chosen a 7-fold path to Havingness Expansion listed below. Here’s my check-in after one week:

Dance, Yoga, or Movement - I think I only exercised 2/7 days. I could reallllly work out and move more. Winter is no excuse to let one’s health slip! I’d give myself a 4/10.

Meditation - I try to make my life into one big meditation. I really enjoy the places in-between sleeping and waking consciousness (alpha wave). I’ve been struggling to sit on a cushion and be still to meditate. I could do more, though! I’d give myself a 6/10.

Eating Mindfully - I’ve been eating really well! Lots of fruit, water (and coffee!) I’ll give myself an 8/10.

Fear Inventory - I only did the Fear Inventory 2/7 days. This was actually really difficult. I would consider this major shadow work--super important and really easy to bypass. I’ll give myself a 2/10.

Gratitude Practice - Gratitude practice isn't new to me. I express my gratitude through gifts, cards, random acts of kindness, and list writing. I’ll give myself an 8/10.

Free Fun Creative Play - I’ve been really struggling with free-flow creative play. I can begin to take things super seriously sometimes. I struggle to have fun for fin’s sake. I feel like sex is the closest I get to non-goal oriented creative fun play. That counts! I’ll give myself a 6/10 for this one.

Daily Blogging- My heart is so full as I’ve written more this week than I have in a long time. I’m calling in a coach or mentor that can help me take my blog to the next level. To me, this looks like…

  • Making money from affiliate marketing

  • Creating + marketing an online course

  • Posting weekly content through my blog + Youtube

Thanks for following me on this journey. If my work inspires you, feel free to check out my Patreon for Patreon-only content.



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