27 Questions to Help You Make More Money


I’m leaning into my gift of Sacred Scribing to share some beautiful insights and gems of wisdom that transpired during yesterday’s Ascension 2020 Zoom call. This was my first Zoom call with the group, and it surpassed my wildest expectations. I’m humbled and grateful to share in this beautiful container for growth and transformation with such powerful Goddesses.

These Gems are co-created from the Collective for the Collective.



  1. We are Powerful, Magical Mystic Manifestors. Conditions:

    1. Faith in Ourselves

    2. Alignment Divine Will

    3. Stewardship over our riches

    4. Showing Up Authentically

  2. We’re all here healing the collective Inner Child and Mother Wound(s). May we forgive our mothers and fathers and know they did the best they could given their level(s) of healing. May we nurture our Inner Children and heal our Wombs so we can be better mothers, children, and sisters, and humans.

  3. May we surrender to our Higher Selves and move in Alignment with Divine Will. May we bask in our own Ase.

  4. May we see ourselves as Whole, Well, and Healed. May we lean into deeper and deeper levels of self-forgiveness. No more hiding our faces or shrinking ourselves!

  5. May we balance knowing our worth (and charging whatever the fuck we want for our gifts/services/light) with reaching and accessing under-resourced people (who may be needing the healing the most). May we consult Spirit to know what best serves (economically and in all ways) at any given time.

  6. May we deconstruct capitalism, mind control, and marketing constructs such as “You’re not enough, and I have what you need” and “Let’s get your money up so you can afford me.” May we be open to alternative and creative ways of giving and receiving.

  7. May we show up the same (as our authentic selves) WHEREVER WE GO!

  8. May we help Earth’s Children (of all ages) by FIRST taking care of ourselves so that we may heal and teach from a space of balance and groundedness.

  9. May we deconstruct oppressive ideas such as “Taking care of yourself is selfish.” (NO MORE GUILT!)

  10. May we remember how to grow our own food (and/or) build reciprocal relationships with local growers.

  11. May we start healing from within ourselves, our homes, and our communities FIRST.

  12. May we remember our true essence and show up as Living-Gods-in-Human-Drag everywhere we go.

  13. May our Authenticity beget more Authenticity within all Beings who cross our paths.

  14. May we be Honest and Vulnerable (and not bullshit!) ourselves.

  15. May we remember that Spirit has more in store for us than we could ever imagine.

  16. May we help Beings enter this world with Balance and Harmony from DAY ONE (shoutout to the mamas, doulas, and midwives!).

  17. May we know and celebrate true Communion and Fellowship.

  18. May we heal any lingering Church Wounds not let this block our connection to Praise, our Voices, and Spirit.

Reflection Questions


  1. Who am I beyond my title/identity?

  2. Where’s my food coming from? Am I the producer? Who is? 

  3. How does Life/Christ/Spirit/Source/All-That-Is want to express itself through me?

  4. Where is my currency (life force energy) going?

  5. How can I be a better steward of my resources?

  6. What do I need?

  7. In what ways am I still bullshitting myself?

  8. What are my unique spiritual gifts?

  9. How’re my relationships with my children and/or parents?

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How to Make More Money by Staying Healthy